C1. Improve water quality in the Papaloapan, Panuco and Grijalva-Usumacinta, and the lower part of the Coatzacoalcos river basins
C2. Avoid depletion and recover living marine resources (Fish and Shellfish)
C3. Conserve and restore the quality of costal and marine ecosystems through Community involvement and enhanced Bilateral Cooperation
The steps towards the implementation of the project GoM LME
During 2008 - 2013, a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) / Strategic Action Program (SAP) was developed by UNIDO based also on a binational GEF project, with the aim of setting the foundations for LME management approaches to rehabilitate marine and costal ecosystems, recover depleted fish stocks, and reduce pollution and nutrient overloading.
As a result, the SAP for the GoM LME was agreed and endorsed by Mexico and the USA and again entrusted to UNIDO for its implementation.
This binational initiative will continue with the implementation of TDA and SAP during 2016-2021, with a new investment from GEF and the co-financing by Mexico and the US. Selected scientific and technical institutions, under the coordination of UNIDO, will act as Project executing agencies.