Rodolfo Lacy
Mexico Technical Focal Point for the Project SAP GoM LME, serves as Under Secretary for Environmental Planning and Policies of the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources. Doctor in Science and Environmental Engineering by the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), he is an expert in air quality management, environmental impact and risk, as well as environmental audits.
His professional career spans over 30 years, in which he has served as public officer, both at Federal and Local levels, consultant and lecturer. Dr. Lacy served as Coordinator of Programs and Projects of the Mario Molina Centre for Strategic Studies on Energy and Environment. He was a Founding Member of the College of Environment Engineers of Mexico, where he served as President and Executive Director of Special Projects. He has delivered several keynote speeches in national and international forums on topics regarding the Environment, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Green growth, as well as atmospheric and water pollution.