Christian Susan, Project Manager
Project Manager for the Implementation of the Implementation of the Strategic Action Program of the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem (SAP GoM LME), has an extensive career in Resource Management, Water Supply and Sanitation.
Rodolfo Lacy, Mexico focal point
Mexico Technical Focal Point for the Project SAP GoM LME, serves as Under Secretary for Environmental Planning and Policies of the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources. Doctor in Science and Environmental Engineering by the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), he is an expert in air quality management, environmental impact and risk, as well as environmental audits.
Bonnie Ponwith, US focal point
United States of America Technical Focal Point for the Project SAP GoM LME, joined the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1998 and became the Director of NOAA Fisheries’ Southeast Fisheries Science Center in 2008.
Alejandra Navarrete H., National Project CO.
National Project Coordinator for the Project SAP GoM LME, has vast experience in International Law and Policy Development. Ms. Navarrete acted as drafter and part of the team in the creation and enactment of several national presidential commissions like the Climate Change and the Seas and Coasts Commission, in the presidential decrees for natural protected areas  as well as, drafting their action plans and the respective public policies that were later developed.